Created in March 2020, due to Covid-19. To motivate, inspire and encourage Karate-ka to continue training at home. LBD Registration
SKIF Together – Training in the spirt of Soke Kanazawa
On Sunday 3rd May, Soke Kanazawa’s Birthday, Karate-ka from all over the world came to together to train with Kanazawa Nobuaki Kancho and Murakami Shuseki Shihan in remembrance of Soke Hirokazu Kanazawa (1931-2019).
IOGKF World Online Charity Gasshuku
Message from Nakamura Sensei
IOGKF Canada organized another Online Live Charity Gasshuku on Saturday, June 6th, where we raised $4,000 for the UN COVID-19 Response & Recovery Fund. Two hundred members from 20 different countries participated. Four of the top instructors of IOGKF, Sensei Tetsuji Nakamura (7th dan IOGKF World Chief Instructor), Sensei Ernie Molyneux (8th dan IOGKF World Vice-Chief Instructor), Sensei Henrik Larsen (8th dan IOGKF World Vice-Chief Instructor), and Sensei Jorge Monteiro (8th dan IOGKF Portugal Chief Instructor & IOGKF Technical Advisor) taught in the online Gasshuku. Thank you Sensei’s for your support and sharing your knowledge with us! Thank you also Sensei Adrienne, Sensei Michelina, Sensei Sita and Jayant for working behind the scene. And special thank you going to every single participant! We had many senior instructors as well as white belt beginners! It was a great family gathering. IOGKF “We are FAMILY!” I am looking forward to training together in the near future! “
Tetsuji Nakamura Sensei, IOGKF
IOGKF World Online Charity Gasshuku