[Karate] Sensei Randall Course Invite [Fwd: Advance notice]

Yama Kai Karate Club karate at yamakai.org
Tue May 19 14:28:12 BST 2009

Hi Guys,

I hope you are well. I thought I'd email you with plenty of notice to
see if you would like to come to Sensei Randall's next course we are
hosting. It will be at our usual course dojo. Hastingsbury School in
Kempston on Saturday 11th July at 2.30 till approx 5.

On this occassion we are limiting it to 3rd Kyu and upwards. Please feel
free to bring anyone above that grade, from any association, style or
political affiliation. As far as Sensei is concerned the more the
merrier. Please spread the word. Cost £12.50.

The content will be his usual brand of traditional shotokan basics and
kumite with a twist though defending two attackers simultaeously. After
a short break we will be going through Seienchin, Gankau-sho and Sepai.

I hope you can make it as it would be nice to get together in the dojo

Best Regards,

Andy Oss!!

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